Friday, February 17, 2006

thoughts about my next job... thoughts about quitting my job take centerstage...I began thinking about what the next one should be like even before I have embarked on searching for it...but then thats true me...a definite day dreamer...can't help really.

When Vishal told me last Sunday that his firm is turning casual, I was plesantly surprised.I was happy for him but at the same time envious .I wish I was working there.

I have serious concerns regarding "strict business wear" @ office on weekdays except fridays.Having said that,one should not presume that it is the reason why I would decide to quit if I may.But yes,It is something I abhor to the core.

I often envy people with arty jobs.Firms in the field of advertising,media,entertainment,outdoors have one thing in common and that is people working with them have the liberty of wearing casual wear @ work all the time.I have nothing against business wear but my only question to the organizations like mine who endorse them strictly is, why be so rigid?? The more rules you make ,the more people will try to go around them and then you may find outragious wear on Fridays.So just let employees be the way they want to be.No one wants to see/wear monotonous attire everyday...the same old light blue/white shirt and a black/gray trouser combi.I pity the Infoscions who have to wear a tie on some weekdays.A programmer wearing a tie.Isnt that ridiculous???

Organizations fear that people might come to office wearing torn jeans, obscene/revealing clothes taking the privilege too far and thus do not want to give them even half a chance.But I believe that such policing should be left to the people themselves, who I think are sensible enough to wear appropraite casual wear.I strongly feel that lossening up of dress code rules will be more liberating and satisfying than say a meagre pay hike.

I agree to the argument that some people would make with respect to "impression on the customer".As a no-nonsense organization,people representing it to the customer in casual wear would have adverse effects on the customer relationship.But then does everybody in the office interact with the client in person everyday? Definitely Not.Hence it is pretty okay with me if I have to wear "business attire" for a customer meet but please do not make me wear it every single day..:(. Even though if I sideline the customer for a moment,me as a representative of my firm should definitely be appropriately dressed and well-grommed but who said that one cannot be be the same in casual clothes.

Nonetheless,I feel that things are changing in the right direction when I see my clients from one of the biggest organizations in the US wearing casual during their "official" visits offshore.Customer nowadays is more concerned about the work you do and less about your black Reid & Taylor suit.I hope this rubs on to the senior management/HR of my firm or for that matter any other firm that still fears to shrug of rigid thoughts about dress code.

This is one of the things I would look for in my next job whenever and wherever it is destined to be.Hope I find it soon..:)

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