Monday, June 05, 2006

a new word added to the dictionary.

2:Subject matter, behavior, or content that is foolish or absurd.
3:Matter of little or no importance,usefulness or entertainment.
Examples of various usages of the word in our daily life.
1:Please do not talk
fanaa. OK?
2:Arjun Singh made a
fanaa analysis of the reservation issue.

P.S:If someone is thinking what this crap is all about then for them let me elaborate.
Fanaa is the recently released Bollywood movie, which I happened to watch yesterday when I was suffering from a mental disorder of sorts. My mental state got worse at the end of the experience and might take time to heal. The only good part of the experience was the Kabul Express trailor that they showed during the interval. Kabul Express seems promising. To cure myself of the disorder I need to watch some good old movie, Hollywood or Bollywood. Fanaa is highly unrecommended.


Anonymous said...

go check out The Inside Man... absolutely wonderful movie...

and sorry for not calling...

Anonymous said...

I think the first part was pretty ok.......good chemistry......tho I did not see the point in sitting through the post interval was like I was watching another movie after the interval......
Recommended Movie : United 93

Amit Samant said...

u know wht i missed good 15-20 mins of the first half :D as usual late to the movie
anyways it wasnt expected of aamir to select such a movie especially whn he takes enuf time to do so

chill dude...lets have a chat sometime l8er on gtalk...hope u had a good time in mumbai

tks 4 the movie recos...will try to chk 'em out